Synox and IoTerop Join Forces to Implement Interoperable Solutions for Smart Territories

Smart cities are at the heart of many IoT opportunities, but also face some of the greatest challenges as efforts and technologies proliferate. Goals such as resource management, improving transportation infrastructure, management budgets are all in the forefront as public actors, technology suppliers and all concerned parties come together to support the efforts to improve the lives of citizens.

Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, a unique Smart City living lab

For a few weeks, Montpellier Métropole has been the center of a unique Smart City living lab. While the main objectives are to control its private network, store and manage its own data, the city is working with Synox to deploy IoT infrastructure based on LoRa technology and 100% operated by the city itself.

Deploying the LoRa Network, a communication protocol between objects, in a city is a major technological initiative. LoRa’s technology is going to revolutionize how we do things. In Montpellier Métropole, some of the applications are already operational such as the system of tracking self-service bikes, monitoring traffic or intelligent parking and measuring pollution levels. The city can receive real-time data over services it offers to its citizen.

Interoperability one of the sine qua non condition to Smart City sustainability

More experimentation and analysis of IoT’s uses in Smart Cities needs to be conducted. One of the greatest challenge is to insure that efforts are not restrained by disparate technologies with no links to each other whatsoever. It is key that IoT infrastructure is interoperable, open and flexible to a wide range of sensors and heterogeneous objects while providing a high level of security.

It is impossible to say today how exactly the Smart City will look tomorrow, however we all agree that the possibilities are unlimited. In order to make sure the deployment is sustainable and durable, the technology brought by our partner IoTerop becomes a real asset. Indeed, its technology will help Synox to improve its recovery and ability to retrieve data from heterogeneous sensors spread all over the territory.

Open Mobile Alliance and interoperability with IoTerop

The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) has put in place a specific standard for Connected Objects called OMA Lightweight M2M (LWM2M). It is the most pertinent and complete open standard for device and service management, especially designed for constrained devices, over a number of transports and bearers.

The LWM2M technology aims to create solutions for existing connected objects as well as a brand new generation of smarter, interoperable and better secured devices with remote access. In brief, its main characteristics are to:

  • Secure data and deployment of connected objects
  • Monitor and manage devices remotely (such as: update parameters, firmware, and dynamic change of data report policies …)
  • Provide a common language to promote real interoperability, enable device management methods, and promote common data exchange formats for all devices.

IoTerop provides the LWM2M technology which embeds perfectly with Synox innovative solutions. Both technologies combined will bring to life Smart City’s usages within Montpellier Métropole territory.

Interconnected services based on heterogeneous smart objects

Once the infrastructure is deployed and sensors are installed, Synox will work in parallel on integrating a data consolidation platform enabling Montpellier Métropole to visualize data and develop new services for citizens.

Here we are at the very beginning of the Smart City development process for Montpellier Métropole! Nonetheless, a strategy has already been well defined for the development of interconnected in order to improve the everyday life of its citizens.

About Synox

As an IoT service provider, Synox advises companies and cities in their digital transformation. By simplifying deployment of connected devices projects, based on cellular networks, LoRa and SigFox, Synox provides a range of services to manage, monitor, secure connected devices from end to end and integrates IoT data management platform.

About IoTerop

IoTerop is a provider of Interoperability, Security and Device Management software and electronic solutions for IoT. The company is a member of the Open Mobile Alliance and participates actively into the definition of IoT standards and is today a worldwide leader of OMA Lightweight M2M technology.